Yayınlar & Eserler

SCI, SSCI ve AHCI İndekslerine Giren Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Diğer Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar

Recent results on the analysis of the 18O+48Ti collision at 275 MeV: single charge exchange reaction

7th International Workshop of the Hellenic Institute of Nuclear Physics on Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reaction Dynamics, HINPw 2024, Ioannina, Yunanistan, 31 Mayıs - 01 Haziran 2024, cilt.304 identifier

Multichannel approach for the analysis of18O +40Ca network of nuclear reactions within the NUMEN project

1st Edition of the Multi-Aspect Young ORiented Advanced Neutrino Academy School and Workshop, MAYORANA 2023, Genoa, İtalya, 4 - 14 Temmuz 2023, cilt.47 identifier

Recent results on the analysis of the48Ti(18O,17O)49Ti reaction at 275 MeV

1st Edition of the Multi-Aspect Young ORiented Advanced Neutrino Academy School and Workshop, MAYORANA 2023, Genoa, İtalya, 4 - 14 Temmuz 2023, cilt.47 identifier

The NUMEN project: probing nuclear response to weak interaction by nuclear reactions

28th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC), Cape-Town, Güney Afrika, 11 - 16 Eylül 2022 identifier identifier

Multi-channel experimental and theoretical approach to study the <SUP>12</SUP>C(<SUP>18</SUP>O,<SUP>18</SUP>F)<SUP>12</SUP>B single charge exchange reaction

13th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics Perspectives and Challenges in Nuclear Structure after 70 Years of Shell Model (ISS), SantAngelo dIschia, İtalya, 14 - 20 Mayıs 2022 identifier identifier

Study of the one-neutron transfer reaction in <SUP>18</SUP>O+<SUP>76</SUP>Se collision at 275 MeV in the context of the NUMEN project

13th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics Perspectives and Challenges in Nuclear Structure after 70 Years of Shell Model (ISS), SantAngelo dIschia, İtalya, 14 - 20 Mayıs 2022 Creative Commons License identifier identifier

Study of single-nucleon transfer reactions in the 18O+48Ti collision at 275 MeV

16th Varenna Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, NRM2023, Ravenna, İtalya, 11 - 16 Haziran 2023 Creative Commons License identifier

Assessment of radiation-protective properties of Y2O3-MnO2-Al2O3-SiO2-CaO using Phy-X software and Geant4 simulation code

8th International Young Researchers'' Conference on Physics, Technology, Innovations, PTI 2021, Jekaterinburg, Rusya, 17 - 21 Mayıs 2021, cilt.2466 identifier

A focus on selected perspectives of the NUMEN project

44th Brazilian Workshop on Nuclear Physics, Virtual, Online, 9 - 11 Kasım 2021, cilt.2340 Creative Commons License identifier

The effect of soil depth on the radiation absorption parameters of soil samples

LXXI International conference "NUCLEUS – 2021. Nuclear physics and elementary particle physics. Nuclear physics technologies" (Online), Sankt-Peterburg, Rusya, 20 - 25 Eylül 2021, ss.324

Investigation of Photon Attenuation Properties of CR-39 Lens

28th Annual Symposium of the Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society, Yunanistan, 31 Mayıs - 01 Haziran 2019, cilt.27, ss.60-67 Creative Commons License

Elemental Analaysis of Sand Samples by Radio-activation

28th Annual Symposium Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society (HNPS2019), Yunanistan, 31 Mayıs - 01 Haziran 2019, ss.23

Calculation of self-absorption correction factor of some chemical fertilizers in the energy range from 80 to 1332 keV

LXIX International Conference "Nucleus-2019" on Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure "Fundamental Problems of Nuclear Physics, Nuclei at Borders of Nucleon Stability, High Technologies", Rusya, 1 - 05 Temmuz 2019, ss.318

Comparative Applications of Gamma-ray Spectrometry using HPGe and NaI(Tl) Detectors

2nd Pak-Turk International Conference on Emerging Technologies in the field of Sciences and Engineering, Pakistan, 11 - 13 Mart 2019

Calculation of Radioactivity Concentration of Potassium-40 Radionuclide in Chemical Fertilizers

1st Eurasia Environmental Chemistry, Antalya, Türkiye, 1 - 04 Kasım 2018, ss.20

Comparison of Radioactivity Concentration of Potassium-40 Radionuclide in Tobacco Samples by using HPGe and NaI(Tl) Detectors

6th ASM International Congress of Agriculture and Environment, Antalya, Türkiye, 11 - 13 Ekim 2018, ss.88-94

Analysis of Objectives of High School Physics Curriculum According to the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

International Conference On Social Researches And Behavioral Sciences, Antalya, Türkiye, 28 - 30 Nisan 2018, ss.33

Analysis of Objectives of Science Curriculum According to the Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Levels

International Conference On Social Researches And Behavioral Sciences, Antalya, Türkiye, 28 - 30 Nisan 2018, ss.32

Self-attenuation Correction Factor of Salt Samples

4th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, 4 - 08 Ekim 2017, ss.70

Statistical Evaluation between Contents of Several Components and Natural Radioactivity Levels in Sand Samples from Antalya, Turkey

4th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering (ICCESEN 2017), Antalya, Türkiye, 4 - 08 Ekim 2017, ss.89

Comparison Of Background Radiation Levels Between Antalya and Karaman in Turkey

Turkish Physical Society 33rd International Physics Congress, Bodrum, Türkiye, 6 - 10 Eylül 2017, ss.443

The Effect of Project Based Activities with Cooperative Learning Method on Students in Physics Course

8th International Congress on New Trends in Education, Antalya, Türkiye, 18 - 20 Mayıs 2017, ss.64

Quality Control of Elemental Contents by PAA

International Conference on Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, Antalya, Türkiye, 18 - 21 Nisan 2017, ss.344

A radiological investigation of drinking waters in Antalya, Turkey

3rd International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering (ICCESEN-2016), Antalya, Türkiye, 19 - 24 Ekim 2016, cilt.1, sa.2, ss.8-10

Photoactivation Analysis of a Mineral Trioxide Aggregate: Preliminary Results

3rd International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering (ICCESEN-2016), Antalya, Türkiye, 19 - 24 Ekim 2016, ss.103

Photoactivation Analysis of a Himalayan Salt Sample

3rd International Conference on New Trends in Chemometrics and Applications, Antalya, Türkiye, 25 - 28 Mayıs 2016, ss.37

Ortaöğretim Fizik Dersi Öğretim Programı Kazanımlarının Webb’in Bilgi Derinliği Seviyelerine Göre Analizi

7th International Congress on New Trends in Education, Antalya, Türkiye, 13 - 15 Mayıs 2016, ss.86

Fotoaktivasyon Yöntemi ile Elementel Analiz

Adım Fizik Günleri V, Eskişehir, Türkiye, 21 - 23 Nisan 2016, ss.39

Determination of energy levels and half lives of platinum radio-isotopes from photonuclear reactions

14th International Conference on Modern Trends in Activation Analysis-MTAA14, Delft, Hollanda, 23 - 28 Ağustos 2015, ss.63

Photon activation analysis using a medical electron linear accelerator - A feasibility study

14th International Conference on Modern Trends in Activation Analysis-MTAA14, Delft, Hollanda, 23 - 28 Ağustos 2015, ss.208

Dalgalar Ünitesindeki kazanımların yenilenmiş Bloom taksonomisine göre incelenmesi

6th International Conference on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, Antalya, Türkiye, 24 - 26 Nisan 2015, ss.56

Determination of naturally occurring radionuclides in soil samples of Ayranci, Turkey

1st NUBA International Conference on Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics, Antalya, Türkiye, 14 - 21 Eylül 2014, cilt.590 identifier identifier

Dependence of activity concentration of natural and artificial radionuclides on depth in soil samples from Antalya in Turkey

1st NUBA International Conference on Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics, Antalya, Türkiye, 14 - 21 Eylül 2014, cilt.590 identifier identifier

Modern Fizik Ünitesindeki Kaznımların Yenilenmiş Bloom Taksonomisine Göre İncelenmesi

The International Symposium on Changes and New Trends in Education, Konya, Türkiye, 22 - 24 Kasım 2013, cilt.1, ss.338-342

Seçmeli “Bilim Uygulamaları” Dersinin Fen Bilimlerinin Öğretimi Açısından Önemi

International Conference on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, Antalya, Türkiye, 25 - 27 Nisan 2013, ss.104

How Can We Teach Modern Physics Effectively?

9th International Conference on Hands on Science (HSCI’2012) Including 1st Childrens’ Summit on Hands on Science and Environmental Education (HSCI-EE), Antalya, Türkiye, 17 - 21 Ekim 2012, ss.177

Öğretmen Adaylarının ‘Bilim’ Tanımlamaları

20. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kurultayı, Burdur, Türkiye, 8 - 10 Eylül 2011, ss.555

Modern Fiziğin Öğretiminde Atasözlerinin Kullanılması

20. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kurultayı, Burdur, Türkiye, 8 - 10 Eylül 2011, ss.556

Öğrencilerin Fen Bilimleri Konularına Yönelik İlgisi

International Conference on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, Antalya, Türkiye, 11 - 13 Kasım 2010, ss.8-11

PISA 2006 Sonuçlarına Göre Öğrencilerin Fen Bilimleri İle İlgili Meslekler Hakkındaki Görüşleri

9.Ulusal Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Eğitimi Kongresi, İzmir, Türkiye, 23 - 25 Eylül 2010, ss.202

PISA 2006 Sonuçlarına Göre Öğrenci Velilerinin Fen Bilimleri İle İlgili Görüşleri

9.Ulusal Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Eğitimi Kongresi, İzmir, Türkiye, 23 - 25 Eylül 2010, ss.65

Öğrencilerin Fen Bilimleri Alanındaki Konuları Öğrenmede Yararlandığı Kaynaklar

19. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kurultayı, Lefkoşa, Kıbrıs (Kktc), 16 - 18 Eylül 2010, ss.275

Velilerin Bakışıyla Okul Ortamının Değerlendirilmesi

19. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kurultayı, Lefkoşa, Kıbrıs (Kktc), 16 - 18 Eylül 2010, ss.81

Pisa 2006 Sonuçlarına Göre Öğrencilerin Fen Bilimlerine İlgisi

19. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kurultayı, Lefkoşa, Kıbrıs (Kktc), 16 - 18 Eylül 2010, ss.262
Kitap & Kitap Bölümleri

X Işınları ve Teknolojisi-İletişim Teknolojisi

Bilimin Teknolojideki Uygulamaları, Gülay Ekici, Editör, Vize Yayıncılık, Ankara, ss.35-80, 2021

Alternatif Akım Devreleri

Fizik 3 Problem Çözümleri, Hakan Şevki Ayvacı, Editör, Pegem Akademi, Ankara, ss.57-70, 2019

Alternatif Akım Devreleri

Fizik 3, Hakan Şevki Ayvacı, Editör, Pegem Akademi, Ankara, ss.171-192, 2019

Yeni Fizik Müfredatında Ölçme ve Değerlendirme

Türkiye’de Fizik Eğitimi Alanındaki Tecrübeler, Sorunlar ve Öneriler, M. Şahin Bülbül, Editör, Google Books (Elektronik kitap), ss.76-81, 2010