Duyurular & Dokümanlar

2nd Assignment for Baseband Communication: Last date May 12, 2025

Report Submission details:

Electronic submission only through TURNITIN will be accepted, and when submitting students must:

Use ‘EEM371, GrupNumber, formal/evening’ (e.g. EEM371GNf01) as the document’s file name and also as the Assignment Title in Turnitin.

Students should note that the time of submission is taken from once the document has been successfully uploaded and confirmed – this may take more than five minutes during busy periods. Late penalties will be applied to any work submitted from 23:59 p.m.  on TBC onwards. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure the document/file has been uploaded successfully.

Contribution to Project Mark for report: 100%

Minimum Text Length: 1500 words

Maximum Text Length: 2500 words.

Unless otherwise specified, the word count is for the main body of the text and ignores the reference list and appendices.  If you exceed the word length you will be penalised. 


v   Students will form groups with four.

v   Group numbers of formal education will be in the form like GNf01, and Group numbers of the education in the evening will be in the form like GNe01.

v   Design FM transceiver system.  **On the shelf ICs except 555 like counters are not allowed to use.

v   Designed transceiver system will have capability to transfer one single (at least 30x30 resolution) black-and-white capital letter. 

v   Transmission speed is the key point in the project. That’s why it should be counted, measured and reported.

1st Assignment for Baseband Communication: Last date April 07,2025

Report Submission details:

Electronic submission only through TURNITIN will be accepted, and when submitting students must:

Use ‘EEM371, GrupNumber, formal/evening’ (e.g. EEM371GNf01) as the document’s file name and also as the Assignment Title in Turnitin.

Students should note that the time of submission is taken from once the document has been successfully uploaded and confirmed – this may take more than five minutes during busy periods. Late penalties will be applied to any work submitted from 23:59 p.m.  on TBC onwards. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure the document/file has been uploaded successfully.

Contribution to Project Mark for report: 100%

Minimum Text Length: 1500 words

Maximum Text Length: 2500 words.

Unless otherwise specified, the word count is for the main body of the text and ignores the reference list and appendices.  If you exceed the word length you will be penalised. 



v   Students will form groups with four.

v   Group numbers of formal education will be in the form like GNf01, and Group numbers of the education in the evening will be in the form like GNe01.

v   Design AM transceiver system.  **On the shelf ICs except 555 like counters are not allowed to use.

v   Designed transceiver system will have capability to transfer a single (at least 30x30 resolution) black-and-white capital letter

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