Published journal articles indexed by SCI, SSCI, and AHCI
Articles Published in Other Journals
Covid-19 effects on distance education in higher education: A comparison withbibliometric analysis before Covid-19 pandemic and the Covid-19 pandemicperiods
Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning
, vol.4, no.4, pp.864-879, 2021 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Augmented Reality in Turkey with Researchers’ Comments for Educational Use: Problems, Solutions and Suggestions
Journal of Education and Training Studies
, vol.5, no.11, pp.201-218, 2017 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Facebook Zorbalığı ve Mağduriyeti Ölçeklerinin Türkçeye Uyarlanması
, vol.16, no.1, pp.55-70, 2015 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Refereed Congress / Symposium Publications in Proceedings
Covid-19 Effects on Distance Education in Higher Education: A Comparison with Bibliometric Analysis Before and After the Covid-19 Pandemic.
International Conference on Educational Technology and Online Learning , 22 - 24 September 2021, pp.48
Dijital Bağımlılıkta Aile Tutumu Faktörü
Vth International Eurasian Educational Research Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 2 - 05 May 2018, pp.1654-1656
Bağımlılık Üzerine Farkındalık: Dijital Teknoloji Bağımlılığı
Vth International Eurasian Educational Research Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 2 - 05 May 2018, pp.1652-1653
Developing the digital technology addiction scale and its validity and its reliability study
Multidisciplinary Academic Conference on Education, Teaching and Learning, 8 - 10 December 2017, pp.159
Mobil Öğrenmenin K-12 Eğitiminde Kullanım Durumu
II. INES Uluslararası Akademik Araştırmalar Kongresi (INES-2017), 18 - 21 October 2017
Analyzing The Effect Of 3d Virtual Worlds On Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analysis Study
II. International Academic Research Congress, 18 - 21 October 2017, pp.73
Akademik Araştırmacıların Arttırılmış Gerçeklik Uygulamalarının Eğitimde Kullanılmasına Yönelik Görüşlerinin İncelenmesi
8th. International Computer and Instructional Technologies Symposium, Edirne, Turkey, 18 - 20 September 2014
Çevrimiçi ve Karma Öğrenmenin Sosyal, Bilişsel ve Öğretimsel Bulunuşluğa Etkisi: Bir Meta-Analiz Çalışması.
8th. International Computer and Instructional Technologies Symposium, Edirne, Turkey, 18 - 20 September 2014
Bilişim teknolojileri öğretmen adaylarının fatih projesi hakkındaki görüşlerinin değerlendirilmesi
11th International Technology Education Conference, 25 - 27 May 2011
Books & Book Chapters
Üç Boyutlu Sanal Ortamlarda Probleme Dayalı Öğrenme
in: Öğretimde Yaklaşımlar ve Eğitime Yansımaları, Saracaloğlu S., Akkoyunlu, B., Gökdaş, İ., Editor, Pegem Akademi Kitabevi Yayınları, Ankara, pp.469-488, 2020