Social Work covers resources concerned with homelessness, social casework, social services, social work education, public welfare, family counseling, child welfare and abuse, social work administration, social work with groups, and gerontological social work.
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary includes resources with an interdisciplinary approach to the field such as studies on social sciences and computers, time and society, evaluation practice, black studies, information science and society, homosexuality studies, childhood studies, and death studies.
Social Issues covers resources in a wide variety of topics addressing social problems for the individual, family, or society. Resources included in this category deal with death studies, issues in science and technology, gender studies, ethical studies, media studies, race and class, and the interaction of technology and society.
Public, Environmental & Occupational Health covers resources dealing with epidemiology, hygiene, and health; parasitic diseases and parasitology; tropical medicine; industrial medicine; occupational medicine; infection control; and preventive medicine. Also included are resources on environmental health; cancer causes and control; aviation, aerosol, and wilderness medicine.
Public Administration covers resources concerned with the management of public enterprises, implementation of governmental decisions, the relationship between public and private sectors, public finance policy, and state bureaucracy studies.
Political Science covers resources concerned with political studies, military studies, the electoral and legislative processes, political theory, history of political science, comparative studies of political systems, and the interaction of politics and other areas of science and social science.
Planning & Development is concerned with resources on the economics and social development of both underdeveloped and industrialized areas. The resources in this category focus on subjects such as economic forecasting, development studies, policy-making strategies, theories of planning, and the growth of the third world.
Law covers resources from both general and specialized areas of national and international law, including comparative law, criminology, business law, banking, corporate and tax law, constitutional law, civil rights, copyright and intellectual property law, environmental law, family law, medicine and the law as well as psychology and the law.
International Relations covers resources concerned with foreign policy, comparative world politics, world commerce and trade, international legal issues, peace studies and conflict resolution, military alliances, and strategic studies.
Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism covers resources that focus on all aspects of recreation and leisure studies, sport, hospitality, and travel and tourism.
Health Policy & Services covers resources on healthcare systems, including healthcare provision and management, financial analysis, healthcare ethics, health policy, and quality of care.
Folklore covers resources on the traditions of various nationalities and ethnic groups, folk costume, story-telling, food, wedding and burial customs, children's games, etc. Folk music resources are included both here and in the MUSIC category.
Family Studies includes resources on such issues and areas as family therapy, family law, marriage, divorce, family planning, and family history. Cross-disciplinary in nature, many resources in this category also appear in other categories.
Ethnic Studies covers resources on ethnic/racial, social and cultural diversity issues, including the history and the political, social, and economic interactions of specific ethnic groups.
Ethics covers resources on normative ethics, including all aspects of the evaluation of human conduct and social relations, such as business ethics, medical ethics, environmental ethics, etc. Descriptive ethics is covered extensively in A&HCI, Philosophy.
Environmental Studies covers resources that are multidisciplinary in nature. These include environmental policy, regional science, planning and law, management of natural resources, energy policy, and environmental psychology.
Education, Scientific Disciplines covers all education resources in the scientific disciplines, including biology, pharmacy, biochemistry, engineering, chemistry, nutrition, and medicine.
Education & Educational Research covers resources on the full spectrum of education, from theoretical to applied, from nursery school to Ph.D. Included in this category are resources on pedagogy and methodology as well as on the history of education, reading, curriculum studies, education policy, and the sociology and economics of education, as well as the use of computers in the classroom.
Demography includes resources on human populations, especially with regard to their size, density, distribution, and vital statistics. Resources covered in this category are concerned with research in migration patterns, social biology, fertility and contraception, as well as demographic forecasting, environmental and economic factors, and life span studies.
Communication covers resources on the study of the verbal and non-verbal exchange of ideas and information. Included here are communication theory, practice and policy, media studies (journalism, broadcasting, advertising, etc.), mass communication, public opinion, speech, business and technical writing as well as public relations.
Area Studies covers resources concerned with the social, economic, political, and military character of a geographical area or region, such as Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, Pacific Rim, etc. The resources in this category tend to be historical and interdisciplinary in nature.
Women's Studies covers resources that focus on interdisciplinary topics such as women and health, women's psychology, women and politics, as well as gender studies and feminism.Â
Urban Studies covers resources concerned with the social aspects of city planning and urban design. Topics covered include the effects of the urban environment on the individual, the effects of urbanization on the natural environment, urban economics, urban technology, housing planning, urban education, and urban law.
Sociology covers resources that focus on the study of human society, social structures, and social change as well as human behavior as it is shaped by social forces. Areas covered in this category include community studies, socio-ethnic problems, rural sociology, sociobiology, social deviance, gender studies, the sociology of law, the sociology of religion, and comparative sociology.
Genetics & Heredity includes resources that deal with the structure, functions, and properties of genes, and the characteristics of inheritance. This category also considers heritable traits, population genetics, frequency and distribution of polymorphism, as well as inherited diseases and disorders of the replicative process. The category is distinguishable from Biochemistry & Molecular Biology by its specific emphasis on the gene as a single functional unit, and on the gene's effect on the organism as a whole.
Infectious Diseases covers resources on all aspects of the pathogenesis of clinically significant viral or bacterial diseases including HIV, AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). This category is also concerned with resources on host-pathogen interactions, as well as the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and epidemiology of infectious disease.
Virology includes resources dealing with all aspects of viral organisms and host-virus interactions. Resources in this category cover the molecular, biochemical, and cellular studies of plant-, animal-, and human-specific viruses, as well as bacteriophages. This category also contains materials on medical virology and pathogenesis and treatment of viral diseases.
The Biology category includes resources having a broad or interdisciplinary approach to biology. In addition, it includes materials that cover a specific area of biology not covered in other categories such as theoretical biology, mathematical biology, thermal biology, cryobiology, and biological rhythm research.
Parasitology covers resources concerning many aspects of the study of parasites, organisms that live in or on other living organisms, deriving benefits for themselves and often causing harm to their hosts.
Behavioral Sciences covers resources dealing with the biological correlates of observable action in humans or animals. These include aggression, sexual behavior, and learning as well as the various factors, natural or pharmacological, that alter such behaviors. Resources in this category cover neurobiology, experimental psychology, ethology, cognitive assessment, and behavioral consequences of neurological disorders.
Archaeology includes resources on the study of material remains (such as fossils, relics, artifacts, and monuments) of past human life and activities. This category covers resources concerned with all aspects of archaeology including methods of detection and analysis. Anthropological archaeology resources are also covered in the SSCI.
Humanities, Multidisciplinary includes resources on two or more topics pertaining to creative, artistic, philosophical, or historical expression and on records, documents, works, or artifacts produced by these endeavors, such as collections of a particular library. Resources concerned with all aspects of a particular discipline or culture are categorized here.