
Stem cell research has an important place in basic sciences and clinical applications. Obtaining, transferring and processing stem cells in the laboratory has been largely standardized. In addition, it is done in autological clinical applications. The standard application method of stem cells in our country is to use them as a source of stem cells in bone marrow transplantation. The stem cells used at this stage are hematopoietic stem cells. In addition, it has recently been used in mesenchymal stem cells, especially in the case of GVHD developing after bone marrow transplantation. Although it is at clinical research level, it is also used in neurodegenerative diseases, autoimmunity, wound-burn, and remodeling and repair mechanisms. At the experimental research level, especially decellularization, differentiation and organ precursors studies are the main areas. Another area where stem cells and cellular therapy products have been studied recently is reproductive medicine.There are limited clinical applications, especially in IVF treatment. The sources from which stem cells are obtained, the technique of sampling, processing in the laboratory and banking are important limiting factors in practice.