in: Current Researches in Surgery Medical Sciences, Prof. MD. Ph.D. Goran KRSTAČIĆ,MD. Ahmet YILMAZ, Editor, Livre De Lyon, Lyon, pp.141-145, 2019
Schwannomas; benign neurogenic tumors originating from
schwann cells in the peripheral nerve sheath. They are usually seen in
the head, neck, spinal cord and extremities, but are rarely seen in the
gastrointestinal tract [1].
Gastrointestinal system schwannomas occur in the stomach (83%),
small intestine (12%) and finally in the frequency of decreases in the
colon and rectum. [2].
Schwannoma of colon and rectum occurres most frequently in the
cecum and right colon (30.5%) followed by the sigmoid (28.1%), the
rectum (21.1%), the left colon (8.3%), the transverse colon (5.3%),
and the appendix (1.1%). The tumor size ranged from 0.3 to 28 cm
with a mean of 3.78 cm (median 3 cm). [3].
Schwannomas of the appendix are rare among gastrointestinal
schwannomas. They are usually discovered incidentally as a
submucosal mass on routine colonoscopy and diagnosed on pathologic
examination of the operative specimen. Little information exists on
the diagnosis and management of this rare entity.
The aim of this study is to report a case of appendicular
schwannoma and the results of a systematic review of appendicular
schwannoma in the literature.