Artificial intelligence applications in predicting the behavior of gastrointestinal cancers in pathology

Yavuz A., Alpsoy A., Gedik E., Celik M. Y., Bassorgun C. I., Unal B., ...Daha Fazla

Artificial Intelligence in Gastroenterology, cilt.3, sa.5, ss.142-162, 2022 (Hakemli Dergi)


Recent research has provided a wealth of data supporting the application of artificial intelligence (AI)-based applications in routine pathology practice. Indeed, it is clear that these methods can significantly support an accurate and rapid diagnosis by eliminating errors, increasing reliability, and improving workflow. In addition, the effectiveness of AI in the pathological evaluation of prognostic parameters associated with behavior, course, and treatment in many types of tumors has also been noted. Regarding gastrointestinal system (GIS) cancers, the contribution of AI methods to pathological diagnosis has been investigated in many studies. On the other hand, studies focusing on AI applications in evaluating parameters to determine tumor behavior are relatively few. For this purpose, the potential of AI models has been studied over a broad spectrum, from tumor subtyping to the identification of new digital biomarkers. The capacity of AI to infer genetic alterations of cancer tissues from digital slides has been demonstrated. Although current data suggest the merit of AI-based approaches in assessing tumor behavior in GIS cancers, a wide range of challenges still need to be solved, from laboratory infrastructure to improving the robustness of algorithms, before incorporating AI applications into real-life GIS pathology practice. This review aims to present data from AI applications in evaluating pathological parameters related to the behavior of GIS cancer with an overview of the opportunities and challenges encountered in implementing AI in pathology.

Key Words: Digital pathology, Colorectal cancer, Gastric cancer, Machine learning, Deep learning, Prognosis