1st Edition of the Multi-Aspect Young ORiented Advanced Neutrino Academy School and Workshop, MAYORANA 2023, Genoa, Italy, 4 - 14 July 2023, vol.47
The NUMEN (NUclear Matrix Elements for Neutrinoless double beta decay) project aims to access information on the neutrinoless double beta decay nuclear matrix elements through the study of the heavy-ion induced double charge exchange reactions for all ββ decay candidate targets. Since130Te is a candidate nucleus for ββ decay, the20Ne +130Te collision was experimentally investigated in a multi-channel approach by measuring the double charge exchange reaction and the complete net of reaction channels characterized by the same initial state interaction. The goal of such a study is to fully characterize the properties of the nuclear wavefunctions entering in the 0νββ decay nuclear matrix elements. The relevant experimental campaign was carried out at INFN-Laboratori Nazionali del Sud in Catania, Italy by using the Superconducting Cyclotron to accelerate the heavy ion beams and the MAGNEX magnetic spectrometer to detect the reaction ejectiles. The experimental challenges and the obtained results for the collision under study are briefly presented and discussed.