Eradication of insect pests by several species of songbirds in a mixed pine/oak forest near Ankara, Turkey

Kiziroğlu İ., Turan L., Erdogan A., Adızel Ö., Pamukoğlu N.

ANZEIGER FUR SCHADLINGSKUNDE-JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE, vol.75, no.4, pp.99-102, 2002 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


Analysis of nestling food in four species of Parus and one species of Ficedula using the 'Halsringmethode' showed a high quota of adults and caterpillars of the important forest pests: Tortrix viridana, Euproctis chrysorrhoea, Diprion pini, and Lymantria dispar . These four major pest species amounted in the nestling food of Parus major to 50 %, P. coeruleus to 52.6 %, P. ater to 40.9 %, and Ficedula hypoleuca to 30.2 %.