TOURISM ANALYSIS, vol.25, no.2-3, pp.239-251, 2020 (ESCI)
In destination image studies, researchers often compare individuals and groups with measurement scales. Classical Test Theory (CTT) assumes, when comparing groups, that the scale measures the same social psychological construct in all groups. The assurance of measurement invariance is a prerequisite for meaningful comparisons across groups. This article reviews theoretical and methodological issues regarding measurement invariance within the framework of confirmatory factor analysis, and aims to test the measurement invariance of the destination image scale by nationality and gender. Confirmatory factor analysis assures that scores obtained from a destination image measurement model can be generalized for three nationalities and gender groups. In this respect, the results of the survey provide evidence that the scale can deliver valid and reliable measurements in determining the characteristics of British, German, and Russian tourists without gender bias. Invariance test assures the measurement model to be invariant for both females and males and therefore it is appropriate to compare the results across genders. The findings of this research and analysis methods used provide valuable insights to destination image literature and cast light on the path for future researchers.