Akdeniz Nursing Journal, vol.1, no.2, pp.48-54, 2022 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Admission to intensive care units is a traumatic event for patient and their family members. Families who cannot cope with the admission of their loved ones to the intensive care unit may experience an emotional crisis and show negative reactions such as shock, anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. For this reason, the review study was carried out to summarize the current studies to increase communication between patients and their families in intensive care units. Pubmed, Science Direct, Web of Science and national databases were searched as of 2012 until February 2022 and studies were determined. Searches were made in English (“communication”, “family”, “ICU”, “nursing”) and Turkish (“aile”, “hemşirelik” “iletişim”, “yoğun bakım ünitesi”) keywords and combinations. As a result of the scans made in accordance with the purpose of the compilation, 10 current articles were reached and their full texts were examined. It was determined that the majority (n=6) of the articles under review were aimed at increasing the communication of patients and their families with virtual technologies. When the study types are examined; it was observed that the most randomized controlled trial design (n:4). As an initiative of studies using this research design; It was determined that he used the model that facilitates communication, interactive mobile technology, web-based communication method and family support intervention. When the results of all studies included in the review are examined; It is reported that 70% of the study population showed improvement in psychological symptoms, and 30% of intensive care patients had shorter hospital stays. Nurses can provide guidance as a way of addressing potential gaps in communication, helping communication run smoothly and families feel their concerns addressed. There is a need for digital-supported studies that make the walls between patients and their families surmountable with today's technology.