Geodesics of Some pp-Wave Spacetimes in Polar Coordinates

Yildirim A., Camci U.

14th Regional Conference on Mathematical Physics, Islamabad, Pakistan, 9 - 14 November 2015, pp.84-89 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Islamabad
  • Country: Pakistan
  • Page Numbers: pp.84-89
  • Keywords: Geodesics, pp-Wave, Noether Gauge Symmetry, Polar Coordinates, SYMMETRY CLASSES
  • Akdeniz University Affiliated: Yes


In this study, we shall try to solve the geodesic equations for some pp-wave spacetimes, which belong to a class of gravitational waves. For this purpose, the Noether symmetries of some classes of pp-waves in polar coordinates are presented. Using these symmetries, the first integrals or in other words Noether constants related to these symmetries are calculated. Finally, by means of Noether constants, the geodesic equations of the considered classes are integrated.