Evaluation of Urban Transformation Projects Through the Sustainability Indicator: The Case of Santral District in Antalya

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Ece Kaya B., Erbaş İ.

Journal of Construction Engineering, Management & Innovation (Online), vol.6, no.1, pp.34-51, 2023 (Peer-Reviewed Journal) identifier


Urban transformation projects are being implemented to make spatial arrangements and improvements in line with the changing needs of cities and citizens in the world and Turkey. In urban transformation projects, sustainability goals are essential in order to protect the integrity of cities and to meet the spatial, social and economic needs of the citizens in an environmentally sensitive, balanced and equitable manner. This study aims to analyze the effects of urban transformation practices on citizens, urban space and the environment by using sustainability indicators. For this purpose, the Sur Yapı Antalya Project in Santral District Urban Transformation Area of Antalya was analyzed through the items of the sustainability indicator set. The project was evaluated under eight main criteria, namely “community participation”, “economy and work”, “transport”, “pollution”, “energy”, “waste and resources”, “buildings and land use” and “wildlife and open spaces”. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the effects of the decisions taken and the practices implemented during the planning phase of the project and the ongoing construction process on physical, economic, social and environmental sustainability vary and affect its utilization. This study is expected to contribute to the research and practice by evaluating how the urban transformation project aims to improve the region’s physical conditions and offer a new urban space to the citizens.