Preliminary studies on the biology and host specificity of Aceria salsolae DeLillo and Sobhian (Acari, Eriophyidae) and Lixus salsolae Becker (Col., Curculionidae), two candidates for biological control of Salsola kali

Sobhian R., Tunç İ., Erler F.

JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY-ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANGEWANDTE ENTOMOLOGIE, vol.123, no.4, pp.205-209, 1999 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


Preliminary studies on the biology and host specificity of the mite, Aceria salsolae DeLillo and Sobhian, and the weevil, Lixus salsolae Becker, were carried out in 1996 and 1997. The mite reproduced on Salsola kali L. from the USA and from Turkey (control), but not on the six species of closely related plants tested. Infected plants were stunted and did not produce flowers. The mite was found on plants in the fields in Turkey from Map to October. Lixus salsolae adult feeding was heavy on most of the 10 plant species tested. The weevil reproduced only on S. kali from Turkey in 1996 and also on S. Kali from California in 1997. The adults of the new generation emerged by mid-July and oviposition occurred on leaf petioles of Beta vulgaris (Swiss chard) but the emerging larvae died during very young stages. No oviposition and no infestation was observed on sugar beet plants in sugar beet fields in Turkey in 1996 and 1997, but infestations were found in a field in China in 1997.