Petrological and geochemical characteristics of the Buyukkizilcik syenite, kahramanmaras (Turkey)

Uras Y., GÜNEŞ A., Caliskan V., YALÇIN M. G., İLBEYLİ N.

17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference, SGEM 2017, Albena, Bulgaria, 29 June - 05 July 2017, vol.17, pp.425-430 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Volume: 17
  • Doi Number: 10.5593/sgem2017/11/s01.054
  • City: Albena
  • Country: Bulgaria
  • Page Numbers: pp.425-430
  • Keywords: Anatolia, Geochemistry, Plutonism, Syenite, Tauride
  • Akdeniz University Affiliated: Yes


© SGEM2017. All Rights Reserved.Plutonic rocks are quite widespread throughout Anatolia (Turkey) ranging from gabbro to granite and calc-alkaline to alkaline. One of those rocks are located in Kahramanmaras, SE of Anatolia, and named as the Buyukkizilcik intrusive rocks. This area is situated in one of continental blocks of Anatolia, Tauride Belt. The basement of the studied area is composed of Paleozoic-Mesozoic metamorphic rocks and they are cut by the intrusive rocks. In the field these rocks are quite altered. These intrusive rocks are alkali feldspar syenite in composition. The syenite is fine-to medium-grained, equigranular with a hypidiomorphic, granular texture. The dominant mineral is microperthitic alkali feldspar which occurs as euhedral to subhedral crystals. Plagioclase feldspar is euhedral to subhedral. Quartz shows undulose extinction. Accessory minerals are fluorite and opaques. They show enrichment in LILE and LREE relative to HFSE. Rb versus (Y+Nb) indicates that the plutonic rocks could be affected by crustal assimilation and AFC processes.