Universal Journal of Educational Research, vol.4, no.5, pp.1050-1058, 2016 (Scopus)
This research was conducted for the purpose ofanalyzing the effect of the movement education programthrough a 12-week-coordination on the development of basicmotor movements of pre-school children. A total of 78students of pre-school period, 38 of whom were in theexperimental group and 40 of whom were in the controlgroup, were incorporated into the study in line with their ownconsent after their families had also been informed. Duringthe research period, the experimental research model with a“pre-test - post-test control group” was used. In order todetermine the effect of the movement education programthrough coordination on children; agility, swiftness, standinglong jump tests as well as the tests concerned with throwing atennis ball, sprinting (speed running), flexibility, verticaljump, and running coordination tests and flamingo balancemotor performance tests were performed. In the analysis ofthe data, the “independent t” package program was used tofind out the difference between the experimental and controlgroups, whereas to find out the experimental and controlintra-group differences, the “paired samples t” statisticalpackage program was used. As for the statistical results -between the pre-test values of the groups and the pre- andpost-test values of the control group, no significantdifference was found in any of the variables, Whereas,between the post-test values of the groups and the pre-andpost-test average values of the experimental group,significant differences at different levels were found infavour of the experimental group and the post-test during themotor performance tests. Consequently; it follows that themovement education program through coordination, whichhas been planned and prepared for long-term practices and inwhich children’s activities during practices are enhanced,will enable pre-school children to develop their basic motormovements as well as bringing them to the point at whichthey will be available for the next upper educational degreeas having ensured their psycho-motor development phases.Keywords Movement Education, Basic MotorMovements, Coordination and Teaching
(PDF) The Effects of Coordination and Movement Education on Pre School Children's Basic Motor Skills Improvement. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301748104_The_Effects_of_Coordination_and_Movement_Education_on_Pre_School_Children's_Basic_Motor_Skills_Improvement