The number of carob orchard in Turkey is limited. There is no irrigation possibilities establishing of carob fields. It has not been determined yet which planting material is suitable (seed sowing or seedling plants) for establishing of carob orchard. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of seed sowing and seedling planting at different times on the seedling survival rate and development. In this context, seed sowing and seedling planting are planned for three monthly different periods as November, December and January. Two different pre-treatments (30 min acid and 30 min acid+ 1 day soaking in water) except of control were applied to the seeds before sowing. Germination rate, time and energy were determined according to application and months in the seed sowing study. In the next stage, the survival rate of the seedlings obtained by sowing and planting was determined. The diameter and length measurements of the surviving seedlings were measured at. 3-month intervals for 2 years. The most suitable month in terms of germination rate, energy and time was determined to be January in the study. Both pre-treatment applications gave better results than the control in terms of germination rate, energy and time. The highest. survival rate was 56.67% in January for seedlings treated for 30 minutes in acid and the lowest survival rate was 6.67% in November for control treatment. The highest. survival rate in seedling planting was obtained in January planting with a rate of 93.64%. Experimental results showed that, the most suitable month for seed sowing and seedling planting was determined to be January and pre-treatments were necessary before sowing of seed.