Madduwatta and the land of Mountain Zippasla

Kan M. H., Dündar E.

ADALYA, vol.8, pp.1-15, 2005 (AHCI) identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Article
  • Volume: 8
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Journal Name: ADALYA
  • Journal Indexes: Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), International Bibliography of Art
  • Page Numbers: pp.1-15
  • Akdeniz University Affiliated: Yes


The Madduwatta text that is studied in this article concerns the struggle for power that took place in a period of political chaos in Anatolia during the early years of the Hittite New Kingdom Period. The protagonist in Our text, Madduwatta, was a local prince ruling in western Anatolia and when his territory became the target of Attarasiya from Ahhiyawa, Madduwatta Could not resist this superpower of the time and so lie took refuge with the Hittites. Based upon their policy in regard to western Anatolia, the Hittites welcomed Madduwatta and they appointed him as their vassal over the Land Of Mountain Zippasla. Madduwatta's duty in the Zippasala Mountain lands was to act as an advanced frontier stronghold power on behalf of the Hittites and also to keep Hattusha informed of the events that occurred in the region.