Effect of starch substitution with pullulan on confectionery starch gel texture of lokum

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Karakaş Budak B.

Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, vol.32, no.3, pp.323-327, 2019 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)


Production of many confectionery products such as sweetmeats and Turkish delights are based on mixture of starch, sugar and water, heated for pasting of the starch which is then poured in a mold to set as a gel. The main ingredients, sugar and starch are components which are determinants for the typical texture of these gels. Pullulan is a non-digestible fungal polysaccharide which can potentially be used as an ingredient in lokum production. The purpose of this study was partial substitution of starch used in the formulation of sugar-starch gels with pullulan and to evaluate the effects of cooking time and storage on gel texture. Starch fraction in a base formula was substituted with pullulan at three different levels. First two levels involved substitution of 10 and 20% of the starch with pullulan at a 1:1 ratio and the third level was performed by substituting 20% of starch at a starch/pullulan ratio of 2:3. Firmness and springiness values were determined to assess textural properties. Increased duration of cooking and storage increased mean firmness values however substitution at 20% pullulan did not result in significantly different mean values from the control formulation. Springiness was affected by cooking, storage and pullulan content and reduced loss in springiness was observed in stored samples with increasing pullulan content. Results obtained in this study show that pullulan may be added to lokum formulations for modification of retrogradation behavior however more research is needed on the subject with regard to optimization of product texture for satisfying consumer preference requirements.