Mobil Telefon Abonelik Sözleşmelerindeki Otomatik Yenileme Kayıtları ve Bu Kayıtlara Karşı Tüketicinin Korunması


SÜLEYMAN DEMİREL ÜNİVERSİTESİ HUKUK FAKÜLTESİ DERGİSİ, cilt.14, sa.2, ss.1457-1481, 2024 (Hakemli Dergi)


Mobile phone contracts have a special place among the subscription contracts that consumers make with the idea of continuously and uninterruptedly benefiting from certain services. Consumers who want to benefit from mobile phone services without interruption make contracts with mobile phone companies that are committed or mostly indefinite-term. In order to prevent consumers from remembering the contract renewal dates and therefore benefiting from mobile phone contracts intermittently, these contracts are made in practice as committed and indefinite-term. Although the automatic renewal records in mobile phone contracts seem to be in favor of the consumer, it will be seen that these records should be examined separately when the consumer is faced with a new price increase for the new period and the problems that may arise in terminating the contract are taken into consideration. In our study, we will try to examine the automatic renewal record in mobile phone contracts and the ways to protect the consumer against these records.