Restoratif Dişhekimliği Derneği 23. Uluslararası Bilimsel Kongresi, Antalya, Turkey, 6 - 08 December 2019, pp.29
Aım: The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the clinical performance of indirect
posterior inlays placed into class II or Class I cavities by fifth year dental students of Akdeniz
MATERIALS & METHODS: In this study, 92 ceramic or composite inlay restorations made by
fifth year students of Faculty of Dentistry of Akdeniz University between 2016 - 2019 were
included. 45 out of 85 patients who tried to reach them by phone, mail or e-mail agreed
to come to the control appointment for evaluation of the restorations and a total of 51
restorations were included in the 45 patients who were performed between 2017 and 2019.
The restorations were evaluated clinically using the modified United States Public Health
Service (USPHS) criteria by two different independent investigators. Data were statistically
analyses using non-parametric tests by SPSS for Windows.
Results: Seven inlays were considered to be fail because of decementation (57,1%), tooth
extraction (28,6%) or replaced with full crown (14,3%). After evaluation, it was found that many
of restorations were maintained without any secondary caries with Alpha ratings at 95,5%.
Marginal adaptation and marginal discoloration were found as Alpha scores slightly higher
than Bravo scores. Non of the restoration were found the unacceptable according to the
marginal adaptation and marginal discolorations scores. Additionally, surface texture, color
match, and anatomical form were predominantly scored as Alpha 84,1%, 75% and 81,8%
ConclusIons: Indirect posterior restorations placed by dental students demonstrated
acceptable long-term clinical performance.
Keywords: Clinical study, dental students, indirect restoration, inlay