Review of strategic management studies on tourism


ANATOLIA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY RESEARCH, cilt.29, sa.4, ss.566-580, 2018 (ESCI) identifier identifier


The aim of this study is to highlight the under-researched and over-researched issues of strategic management in tourism in order to inform future research. Articles published in the journal Tourism Management in the field of strategic management in tourism between 2006 and 2016 are discussed. This study reviews the methods, research models, keywords, participants, data collection tools, dependent and independent variables, findings and results of research studies from this sample of the literature. The literature review reveals that (a) a large proportion of the articles are qualitative researches in nature, (b) parametric tests are prefered in quantitative studies, (c) participants are mostly managers employeed in tourism sector, (d) interviews and questionnaires are used as data collection tool instead of case studies, databases, and literature reviews. However, case studies are prefered in the recent studies. Thus, this study contributes to the current literature by answering the need for more literature reviews. The study's findings reveal the gaps in the literature on strategic management in tourism and suggest that future studies should target different shareholder groups and data collection methods.