JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY ADVANCES, no.12, pp.1689-1695, 2010 (SCI-Expanded)
This research aims to determine the socio-economic factors that are effective on fish consumption. Through clarifying these factors, the study attempts to bring proposals towards increasing fish consumption which is vital for adequate nourishment. To this end, different factors which are believed to affect fish consumption of the households residing in Antalya are analyzed. In this study, a survey was conducted with 498 households in 2007 and the original data were utilized. Heckman sample selection correction procedure was applied to estimate the effects of individual and household in the analysis. Based on the results, it is seen that a certain segment of the household 36.55%, substitutes fish for chicken and red meat. It is seen that this group of households has lower and middle income with lower literacy level living in large families and is generally within the middle-age group. On the other hand, a smaller percent of the household 13.05%, substitutes fish only for chicken. Another important finding of the research is that a much larger group of the households, 78% with higher income, higher educational level in the older age group and covered under pension scheme has a higher propensity to buy or consume fish. According to the results of the analysis, the most effective factors on fish consumption can be stated as price and dietary attributes. Therefore, it is concluded that by setting the market price of fish in line with different household income levels, dietary habits might change as well.