Clinical Dentistry and Research, cilt.45, sa.3, ss.127-134, 2021 (Hakemli Dergi)
Background and Aim: Different irrigation agitation (IA) techniques have been proposed to improve the efficacy of irrigation solutions. The aim of this study was to compare the organic tissue dissolution capacities of 3 different IA techniques. Materials and Methods: Fifty bovine pulp tissue samples were prepared and then placed in tubes. Samples were randomly divided into 5 groups (n = 10). The test groups were as follows: (1) saline (SS) (no activation), (2) sodium hypochlorite (SH) (no activation), (3) sonic irrigation (SI), (4) passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI), and (5) laser-activated irrigation (LAI). In the SS group; tissue samples were placed in tubes with 1.25 mL of SS. After resting for 6 min, the solution was withdrawn, and fresh SS was added (repeated 5 times). In the SH group, the same method in the SS group was achieved by replacing the SH. Samples in each agitation group waited in SH for 5 min and then 1 min activation with respective agitation device (repeated 5 times). The tissue samples were weighed before and after treatment. The percentage of weight loss was calculated and analyzed. Results: The test showed statistically significant differences between the activated and the non-activated groups. There was no significant difference between SI and LAI groups (p= 0.508), while the difference between these groups except the SH group and PUI group was significant (p< 0.05). Conclusion: IA techniques have been found to be effective in resolving bovine pulp tissue. Among these, SI and LAI were the most effective techniques.