6TH WORLD NURSİNG AND HEALTHCARE CONFERENCE, London, United Kingdom, 15 - 17 August 2016, vol.5, no.4, pp.195
Aim of this research is to analyze the effects of cultural values on women at postpartum period to choose the method of family
planning. This cross sectional and descriptive research carried out at the Research Hospital in İzmir and Balıkesir between the
dates May-November 2015. Sample of this research made by 269 volunteer women in postpartum period. The data has been gathered
by using Individual Description Form that is prepared in accordance with the model named “Cultural Diversities and Universiality”
of Leninger. It has been designated that the age average of the women is 27.41±5.79, first marriage age is 21.23±3.72, their first
pragnancy age is 22.42±3.75, their average of marriage duration is 6.09±5.03 and %11.5 of them made kin marriage. It determined
that %31.2 of them are middle school graduate, 77.3% of them are housewifes, 87.4% of them got nuclear family, 70.3% of their family
are living in countryside and they lived long time mostly in Marmara Region (43.1%) and Aegean Region (40.9%). It confirmed
that 53.9% of them had vaginal delivery, 30.8% of them get pragnant three and more time, 23.4% of them had less time than 2
years between their pragnancy, 24.2% of them didn’t planned their pragnancy and 61.7% of them wanted to have two babies. As we
determine on knowledge of the women in postpartum period about family planning; it has been determined that 92.9% of the women
find methods of family planning necessary and beneficial but 74.4% of them scared about methods (because of 50% side effects, 39.7%
pragnancy scare, 10.3% applying method), 7.4% of them can not get them easily (because of distance and embarrassment), 29.4%
of them use one of the traditional way withdrawal in particular time of their life, 92.6% of their hushands are deciding the way for
prevent pragnancy, 52.4% of them already got information about family planning (mostly about oral contraceptive) and 44.2% of
them don’t know whether the family planning have any protections about sexually transmitted diseases or not. It has been designated
that 90% of the women in postpartum period are thinking about using family planning methods and these methods are condom
(36.7%), intrauterine device (27.4%), oral contraceptive (9.7%), female sterilization (9.3%), withdrawal (9.3%), injectable (3.8%) and
the reason for preference of method is most of the women are finding these easy to use (38.4%). Also it has been determined 15.6% of
women in postpartum period don’t think about any kind of method because of their husband doesn’t want, the most important factor
to choose family planning method is their husband and his family, 56.6% of them never think about having a medical operation for
not having a baby, 28.3% of them are thinking about breastfeeding will prevent them to be pragnant (38.2% six months) but 79.9%
of them didn’t get any information about this topic. In this research it determined that; women don’t have enough knowledge about
family planning methods, they are scared from the side effects of the methods, despite modern methods they insist on keep using the
withdrawal method, they get pragnant more then they planned along their life time and husband and his family is important factor to
choose the family planning method. Moreover it determined that women in postpartum period are using the lactation like a method
of family planning. As a conclusion cultural values in our society is effecting the preference about family planning , causes unplanned
pragnancies and it effects mother and baby’s health in negatively.