CLINICAL LABORATORY, cilt.59, sa.1-2, ss.139-142, 2013 (SCI-Expanded)
Background: The aim of this study was to investigate whether in children with middle ear effusions (MEE), adenoid and tonsil tissues are associated with human bocavirus (HBoV).
Materials and Methods: A total of 124 patients (56 females (45.2%) and 68 males (54.8%)) with chronic adenotonsillitis and serous otitis media under the age of 15 were recruited. Two hundered four samples (113 adenoid (55.4%), 68 tonsil (33.3%), and 23 middle ear effusion (11.3%)) were analyzed for the presence of HBoV using polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
Results: HBoV was detected in only 6 (4.8%) adenoid tissue samples each belonging to a different patient.
Conclusions: Our findings are consistent with the results of other studies, reporting approximately 5 - 10% of the samples being positive for HBoV. To understand the detailed role of HBoV in the etiology of RTI in children, further studies would be needed.