DENTISTRY KAZAKHSTAN, sa.03/2024, ss.4-12, 2024 (Hakemli Dergi)
Introduction: In recent years, mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) has been used extensively in endodontic
treatment applications and satisfactory results have been obtained. This case series aims to describe the
recovery of patients with the nonsurgical endodontic management of different endodontic cases using MTA.
Case Report: Case 1. A 72-year-old female patient presented with cold and sweet sensitivity. A reversible
pulpitis diagnosis was made, and direct pulp capping with MTA was performed. A 12-month follow-up
showed positive clinical outcomes. Case 2. A 16-year-old female patient presented with prolonged throbbing
pain and a history of episodic severe pain. Diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis and an immature apex,
apexification was performed using MTA. A 14-month follow-up revealed successful healing. Case 3. A 14-
year-old male patient presented with a broken tooth, intermittent swelling, and pain. Diagnosed with
chronic apical periodontitis, root canal treatment was conducted on tooth 21, while regenerative endodontic
treatment was applied to tooth 22. A 15-month follow-up showed lesion healing. Conclusion: These cases
suggest that MTA may be a substitute material for the treatment of endodontic problems (vital and necrotic
conditions); however, more clinical studies with larger sample size and longer follow-ups are needed.
Key words: mineral trioxide aggregate, direct pulp capping, apexification, regenerative endodontic