ADALYA, no.26, pp.319-336, 2023 (AHCI)
One of the most striking challenges in the Mediterranean encountered by the states which gained trading rights with the Ottoman State seems to have been the assaults of pirates. The frequent attacks against trading vessels, especially by such pirate groups as Garp Ocakları and the pirates of Ülgün, can be traced when documents related to Ottoman maritime activities are examined. This problem of piracy is also evident in commercial relations between the Ottoman State and the Kingdom of Two Sicilies. In this context, some hüküms [imperial decrees] for protecting Sicilian traders against the pirate assaults were included in the trading agreement between two states in 1740. Moreover, the Kingdom of Two Sicilies took a proactive approach to protect the lives and secure the property of its traders by signing a separate agreement in 1741 with Trablusgarp Ocağı. This study aims at revealing the situation of commercial relations under the threat of piracy in the Mediterranean between the parties referred to in light of Ottoman archival documents.