3RD World Conference On Health Sciences ( H-SCI-) 2016, Aydın, Turkey, 28 - 30 April 2016, pp.80
The objective of the presentstudy is to determine the effect of the nutrition education given to the adultdetainees and convicts in the Amasya Type-E Closed Prison on their level ofknowledge on nutrition and the effectiveness of this education in terms ofgaining detainees and convicts the correct nutritional habits. The population for the study was composed of 600 adultprisoners and convicted from Amasya E Type Closed Prison Institution. Theprisoners and adult convicted, who participated in the study, were divided intofour groups as training, training + brochures, brochures and control. Thepre-prepared survey was conducted on the prisoners and convicted and the test,which had been prepared for determining the impact of nutrition behaviour andmanner, was repeated in the beginning of the study (pre-test), at the end ofthe training (post-test) and one month later in order to evaluate thesustainability of nutrition training (monitoring test). Statistical analysis ofthe data figures and percentages weretaken and by using independent sample t test; single direction varianceanalysis (ANOVA) tests. The results ofthe study show that the education has a positiveeffect on the knowledge on nutrition. it needs to be repeated with certainintervals