Effectivity of defibrotide prophylaxis on acute graft versus host disease: a single center experience with high risk pediatric patientsBy:Yalcin, K (Yalcin, K.)[ 1 ] Guler, E (Guler, E.)[ 1 ] Kupesiz, A (Kupesiz, A.)[ 1 ]BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATIONVolume: 52 Pages: S357-S358 Supplement: 1 Meeting Abstract: P457Published: JUL 2017Document Type:Meeting AbstractView Journal Impact
Atıf İçin Kopyala
Yalçın k., GÜLER E., KÜPESİZ O. A.
Conference: 43rd Annual Meeting of the European-Society-for-Blood-and-Marrow-Transplantation (EBMT)Location: Marseille, FRANCE Date: MAR 26-29, 2017, 26 - 29 Mart 2017, cilt.52, ss.357-358
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Bildiri / Özet Bildiri
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