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The aim of this study is to make a comparison of the performances of two machine-learning algorithms that support vector machine (SVM) and random forest (RF) for landslide susceptibility mapping. The study makes use of a sampling strategy called two-level random sampling (2LRS). During landslide susceptibility mapping, training and testing samples must be collected from different landslide seed cells, which are then put through a fully independent sampling using the 2LRS algorithm. This approach requires fewer samples for the improvement of the computation time of both machine-learning classifications. The proposed approach was tested in the Alakir catchment area (Western Antalya, Turkey) which features numerous active deep-seated rotational landslides. In order to compare the performance of the machine-learning algorithms, three random sets were generated for SVM and three random sets generated for 10, 100, 1000 and 10,000-tree size RF. A total of 15 models were generated for comparison, and their spatial performances were performed by the area under the receiver-operating characteristic curves, which ranged between 0.82 and 0.87. The highest and lowest performances were recorded from two models in SVM and two models from the 1000-tree and 10,000-tree sized RF, respectively. These results were confirmed the landslide happened just after producing the susceptibility maps in the field.