The Research Topics on Health Equality, Nursing and Ethics: A Bibliometric Analysis Study

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Azizoğlu F., Terzi B.

Türkiye Klinikleri Tıp Etiği-Hukuku Tarihi Dergisi, cilt.32, sa.2, ss.87-98, 2024 (Hakemli Dergi) identifier


To identify and via bibliometric analysis visualize the studies conducted in the field of health equity and ethics. Data were obtained from the “Web of Science Core Collection” database. VOSviewer (1.6.15) software program was used for performance anal- ysis, scientific mapping and bibliometric analysis. For bibliometric data, the WoS database was searched with the keywords “Health Equal- ity” and “Ethical” and analyzed with the data of 284 publications. As a result of the analysis, the most used keywords in the Web of Science category are “Health equity”, “Ethics”, “Social Justice”, “Health Pol- icy”, “Equity”, “Global Health”. The journal with the most publica- tions (n=11 publications) is “British Medical Journal Open”; the most articles (n=52 articles) were published in 2022; the most active institu- tion (n=20 articles) is “University of California System”; the country with the most publications (n=144 publications) is “United States”; the largest funding agency (n=35 funding agencies) was the “United States Department of Health Human Services”; and the author who published the largest number of articles (n=9 articles) was Bernard Pratt. The re- sults of the bibliometric analysis showed that studies on equity and ethics in health have gradually increased in recent years since 2019. It is recommended to focus on the field of nursing on these issues.