On the political values and preferences of the student youth in Kazakhstan

Zhampetova A., Ataay F., Alkan Y. S.

Sociological Studies (Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya), sa.4, ss.148-152, 2024 (SSCI)


According to Ronald Inglehart’s theory of modernization, values change following economic development. There are discussions about the transformation of the political values of the population in the Kazakh scientific community. A number of studies claim that values in Kazakhstan are moving from traditional to secular – rational. Both traditionalist and modernist values are intertwined in the mass consciousness. At the same time, it is difficult to talk about the dominance of certain political values, beliefs and attitudes. Based on the conducted sociological survey (N = 616) and a focus group discussion, the political values of Kazakhstani youth are analyzed. The role of politics in the value orientation of modern student youth is determined, the level of political activity is analyzed. The main reasons for the exclusion of young people from political participation have been established. The tendency of non-institutional political activity is revealed, confirming the theory of changing forms of political participation of modern youth.