Induction of Polyploidy in Stevia Plants (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) Using Colchicine

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Akbaş Ö., Turgut K., ,

International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Science Research,, cilt.7, sa.3, ss.62-74, 2023 (Hakemli Dergi)


The primary objective of this study was to establish a protocol for induction of polyploidy in S. rebaudiana var. Levent 93. As a

plant material in vitro propagated seedlings of stevia variety Levent 93 were used. For induction of polyploidy, shoot tips with 3-

4 leaves of seedlings were immersed in 0.5% concentration of colchicine solution for 1, 2 and 4 hours. Then, shoot tips treated

with colchicine solution and distilled water were taken into rooting medium. Plants that developed successfully in the rooting

medium were transferred to pots and acclimatized to the external environment. Flow cytometry ploidy analysis was performed on

plants treated with colchicine solution after approximately 8 months. According to the ploidy analysis results, it was determined

that 17 plants were diploid and 3 plants were tetraploid among 20 plants that survived after treatment with colchicine. All

tetraploid plants were observed in 2 hours treatments. As a result of the study, the viability rate, plant height, number of leaves,

number of branches, chlorophyll amount, ploidy levels and core DNA contents of stevia plants treated with colchicine were

determined and diploid and tetraploid plants were compared. When diploid plants and tetraploid plants are compared, it is

concluded that tetraploid plants have smaller averages in terms of plant height average, while they have larger averages in terms

of leaf number average and number of branches.