Approaching and reviewing Haci Bektas Velî as a charcter of the stage play named "Kutlu Melek" which is writen by Nezihe Araz Nezihe arz'in "Kutlu Melek" adli oyununda Haci Bektaş Veli krkterinin, oyun kişisi olark ele alinişi ve incelenmesi

Yeşiloǧlu Güler B.

Turk Kulturu ve Haci Bektas Veli - Arastirma Dergisi, vol.68, pp.201-219, 2013 (SCI-Expanded) identifier

  • Publication Type: Article / Review
  • Volume: 68
  • Publication Date: 2013
  • Journal Name: Turk Kulturu ve Haci Bektas Veli - Arastirma Dergisi
  • Journal Indexes: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED)
  • Page Numbers: pp.201-219
  • Keywords: Ahmed Yesevi, Character of the play, Haci Bektaş Velî, Kutlu Melek, Nezihe Araz, Theatre
  • Akdeniz University Affiliated: No


With his disciples sent from Cental Asia to Anatolia, Ahmed Yesevi, who was one of the strongest names of Turkish community, Turkish Language, the Muslim world, Alewi and Bektashi doctrines and his student Haci Bektashi Velî, have been searched in many fields as historical, religion and literary characters. Their names are often come across by the works and reviews related to religion and literature. Have Ahmed Yesevi and Haci Bektashi Velî who were the most important names of the Turkish literature, Turkish-Islam and Anatolian Alewi culture been used in theatre scripts? If they have been used, how and on which ways are they adapted as a character of the stage? In this review, the answer of the question that how Ahmed Yesevi and Haci Bektashi Velî have been evulated as the characters of drama, has been searched based on the stage play called " Kutlu Melek " which is writen by Nezihe Araz. The text represents that Haci Bektashi Velî building up the Anatolian union and has been sent from Asia to Anatolia for helping the Turks to setle down to Anatolia and after a seven years of travelling his coming to an Alewi village and starting his education and training. This text which shows the time course of Haci Bektashi Velî's setling down to Anatolia with Kutlu Melek who was the leader of the group " Bacilar " (The Sisters) and the Turks, one of the best examples of how Haci Bektashi Velî's been evulated as a character of the stage play in the Turkish theatre scripts.