Analysis of Spatial Information Technologies Education in Jordan and Algeria

Shatnawi N., DEMİR N., Tsakiri M., Hloupis G., Vergos G., Obaidat M., ...More

1st International conference on Mediterranean Geosciences Union, MedGU 2021, İstanbul, Turkey, 25 - 28 November 2021, pp.307-309 identifier

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • Doi Number: 10.1007/978-3-031-43218-7_72
  • City: İstanbul
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.307-309
  • Keywords: Curriculum, Development, Earth observation, Education, Geomatics
  • Akdeniz University Affiliated: Yes


This study focuses on promoting spatial information technology education within the scope of the “Earth Observation Tools for The Promotion of Digital Economy (ERODITE)” project, sponsored by the Erasmus + Capacity Building in Higher Education program. An overview will be given on how the relevant Earth Observation technologies are currently offered within the official courses of relevant education degrees in Algerian and Jordanian Universities and the way they can be updated to include implementations for the digital economy, determining new job opportunities and educational enhancements and some issues such as gender equality. One of the first tasks that have already started is to describe the current status of geospatial information technologies in the curriculum of universities in Algeria and Jordan by evaluating their staff, facilities, and infrastructures, including the strengths and weaknesses of the relevant departments and the opportunities that were discussed. According to the findings, Jordanian universities have insufficient appropriate academic staff and EO-related content. In contrast, Algerian universities and institutions appear to emphasize vocational and technical education more than theoretical and research aspects of EO-related content.