CANCER PREVENTION IN PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES: How can we protect people with Intellectual disabilities from cancer?

Etkinlik Kategorisi: Çalıştay Organizasyonu

Etkinlik Türü: Çalıştay

Etkinlik Organizasyonu Yılı: 2023

Katılımcı Sayısı: 27


This workshop was carried out at Ankara University between 9-11 May 2023 within the scope of the COST-CUPID action.

COST Action “Cancer Understanding Prevention in Intellectual Disabilities” (CUPID) CA2112
Working Group 3: Universal EU Cancer prevention strategy methodology

In the three-day program, 18 work group members and stakeholders (6) participated and the situation and solutions in Turkey were discussed. International participants (9) have also been included in the hybrid program.