2017 - Devam Ediyor Turkish J. of Biology
Editörler Kurulu Üyesi
Şubat 2015 Food and Chemicak Toxicology
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Ekim 2014 food and chemical toxicology
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Nisan 2014 mutation research
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Şubat 2014 Mutagenesis
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Eylül 2013 environmental and molecular mutagenesis
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Haziran 2013 Journal of Environmental Toxicology and health-Part A
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Mart 2013 mutagenesis
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Mart 2013 food and chemical toxicology
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Temmuz 2012 food and chemical toxicology
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Mayıs 2012 environmental and molecular mutagenesis
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Mart 2012 food and chemical toxicology
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Haziran 2011 mutation research
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Mayıs 2011 food and chemical toxicology
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Mart 2011 food and chemical toxicology
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Şubat 2011 environmental and molecular mutagenesis
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Ekim 2010 environmental and molecular mutagenesis
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Nisan 2010 food and chemical toxicology
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Şubat 2009 food and chemical toxicology
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