
ROXY-COST Action Meeting

The 4th management committee and the 3rd annual meeting will be organized by Faculty of Agriculture at Akdeniz University and RoxyCOST Action (CA18210). During this meeting, an overview of the last research on hypoxia, oxidative stress, ripening physiology, and post-harvest physiology and technology will be presented.

This meeting is possible thanks to

The local organizer: Dr. Mustafa Erkan, Dr. Adem Dogan, Dr. Selman Uluisik, M.Sc. HayriUstun

The Scientific Committee: J. Pirrello (INP, France), P. Kalaitzis (MAICH, Greece), Dr. Mustafa Erkan (Faculty of Agriculture at Akdeniz University, Turkey)

The ECI Scientific Committee: B. van de Poel (KULeuven, Belgium), M. Vidovic (IMGGE, Serbia), S. Hartman (University of Freiburg, Germany)