S. SAİD And G. ÖZBEY, "Pharmacogenetics of Antidepressants: Overview of Dosing Strategies in Major Depressive Disorder," In Current Research In Pharmacy and PharmaceutIcal ScIences II , Ankara: Akademisyen Yayınevi, 2024, pp.1-11.
SAİD, S. And ÖZBEY, G. Pharmacogenetics of Antidepressants: Overview of Dosing Strategies in Major Depressive Disorder. 2024. In Current Research In Pharmacy and PharmaceutIcal ScIences II , Akademisyen Yayınevi, Ankara, 1-11.
SAİD, S., & ÖZBEY, G., (2024). Pharmacogenetics of Antidepressants: Overview of Dosing Strategies in Major Depressive Disorder. Current Research In Pharmacy and PharmaceutIcal ScIences II (pp.1-11), Ankara: Akademisyen Yayınevi.
SAİD, Saja, And GÜL ÖZBEY. "Pharmacogenetics of Antidepressants: Overview of Dosing Strategies in Major Depressive Disorder." In Current Research In Pharmacy and PharmaceutIcal ScIences II , 1-11. Ankara: Akademisyen Yayınevi, 2024
SAİD, Saja And ÖZBEY, GÜL. "Pharmacogenetics of Antidepressants: Overview of Dosing Strategies in Major Depressive Disorder." Current Research In Pharmacy and PharmaceutIcal ScIences II , Akademisyen Yayınevi, 2024, pp.1-11.
SAİD, S. And ÖZBEY, G. (2024) "Pharmacogenetics of Antidepressants: Overview of Dosing Strategies in Major Depressive Disorder", Current Research In Pharmacy and PharmaceutIcal ScIences II . Ankara: Akademisyen Yayınevi.
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