Exploiting a Multifrequency Duffing-Mathieu Oscillator to Explore the Effect of Driving Force Strength on Hydrodynamic Sensitivity of a Micro-cantilever (Accepted)

Yılmaz Ç.

The Third International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Engineering (ICAME’24), Balıkesir, Türkiye, 26 - 28 Haziran 2024, ss.1

  • Yayın Türü: Bildiri / Özet Bildiri
  • Basıldığı Şehir: Balıkesir
  • Basıldığı Ülke: Türkiye
  • Sayfa Sayıları: ss.1
  • Akdeniz Üniversitesi Adresli: Evet


This current work presents a new conceptual model to investigate the hydrodynamic sensitivity of a micro-cantilever with the consideration of driving force strength. A nonlinear dynamic model of an oscillating micro-cantilever is constructed based on a forced and damped Duffing-Mathieu oscillator including the bimodal-frequency excitation scheme. Duffing-Mathieu equations are solved by using diverse theoretical methods for different applications. In the present work, the effect of excitation force magnitude on time-domain responses of the micro-cantilever in sugar solutions with different concentrations is explored for single- and bimodal-frequency excitations. The simulation result indicates that the amplitude of 0.55 nm at the first eigenmode is acquired in 55% sugar solution under the driving force strength of 400 nN in the single-frequency operation. Besides, effective hydrodynamic forces acting on the one-side area of the vibrating micro-cantilever are determined considering Sader's hydrodynamic functions. Magnitudes of hydrodynamic forces remarkably change on the time domain as the excitation force varies for the first two flexural modes. To illustrate, the viscous loads at the second eigenmode appear in the range of 20-2000 nN as the driving force strength ranges from 100 nN to 400 nN. Obviously, the Duffing and Mathieu functions in the proposed model have also significant influences on time-domain responses and effective hydrodynamic forces. Correspondingly, the displacements of the micro-cantilever and effective viscous loads at the first two eigenmodes are obtained for different nonlinearity degrees of mechanical systems. Micro-cantilever responses strongly depend on excitation frequency and amplitude in Mathieu functions. It is worth mentioning that as the parameter of excitation amplitude is varied from 1 to 12, the amplitude at the first eigenmode decreases from 600 pm to 500 pm. Therefore, the multimodal nonlinear dynamic model enables to evaluate the influence of driving force strength on nonlinear behaviours of the micro-cantilever at higher mode in a viscous environment.